Saturday, August 19, 2017

MMVC17 Presentation Reviews

In August, I joined the MoodleMoot Virtual Conference 2017, aka MMVC17. This is the sixth year for this three-day conference. Presenters are accomplished, well respected educators with connections to Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) or use technology in effective ways in online and blended learning opportunities.

I’ll review those MMVC17 presentations that most closely relate to topics that I find interesting and important for my professional development. Currently, these presentations describe research based, effective learning trends from around the world. All align with my state's professional learning goals.

Badges are awarded for a variety of activities. Badges that lead to the presentation of certificates are awarded for specific learning criteria. That criteria includes: watching at least 12 of the presentations, taking notes, comparing the information with what I already know, and discussing how I can implement the latest information into my professional development program.

I'll complete the reviews, answering eleven critical questions for each presentation and presenter. In addition, I,ll share my impressions and ideas for future use in my teaching, learning, or research. 

After that, using PowerPoint with notes, I'll download the slides to Knovio or PresentMe and record myself reading the notes in ScreenCastOMatic, In the final project phase I'll pull all those parts into a video that I'll share through YouTube or Vimeo.

I've selected presentation from these topics in the categories of:

·        Teaching and Learning Online
I think of this topic as it relates to trends:

MMVC17: Techno-Clil in the 21st Century School

MMVC17: A Quantum Leap for future direction of education

MMVC17: Creating Powerful Learning Possibilities with VR Tools

MMVC17: What to expect in online education in coming years

MMVC17: What about Non - Native Online English Teachers?

MMVC17: Spice up your lessons with interactive tools

·        Blended Online Learning

MMVC17: Using Moodle in collaborative interdisciplinary group projects

MMVC17: Innovation for quality leadership

MMVC17: How to be a Fair Tester?

MMVC17: Motivating Teens & Youngsters to Learn & Study

MMVC17: They’ll never forget!

MMVC17: Bringing Pendantic Learning of Vocabulary to Life!

·        Badges for Learning

MMVC17: Opening Ceremony

·        Online Learning Environments

MMVC17: Improve Classroom Culture with Mindfulness

MMVC17: The New School Experience Part Two by Roy Andersen

MMVC17: Rethinking Stress Triggers with Sue Annan 

FOR MY READERS: Watch any of the MMVC17 presentations. Comments are helpful for a community learning process. After I receive feedback on this article or these presentations, look for my online reviews.